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TcxTreeListBandRows Properties

Represents a collection of band rows associated with a certain band.
Name Description
Band Provides access to the band associated with the current collection of band rows.
Count Returns the number of band rows contained within the current collection.
First Provides access to the first band row within the current collection.
Items Provides indexed access to band rows contained within the current collection.
Last Provides access to the last band row within the current collection.
LineCount Returns the combined height of all visible band rows within the current collection, in text lines.
RowMaxWidth Returns the maximum possible width of band rows within the current collection, in pixels.
RowMinWidth Returns the minimum possible width of band rows within the current collection, in pixels.
VisibleItemCount Returns the number of band rows contained within the current collection.
VisibleItems Provides indexed access to band rows in the current collection that are currently visible within the column header panel.
See Also