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TcxCustomTreeList.FocusedColumn Property

Specifies the focused column.


property FocusedColumn: TcxTreeListColumn read; write;

Property Value

Type Description

The focused tree list column. The property returns nil (in Delphi) or nullptr (in C++Builder) if the Tree List control is empty or no column has focus.

The returned object can be a TcxTreeListColumn or TcxDBTreeListColumn class instance depending on the actual tree list column type. In the latter case, you need to cast the returned object to the TcxDBTreeListColumn class to access all available public API members.


To identify the actual tree list column type, call the returned object’s ClassName function.


You can use the FocusedColumn property to identify the focused column or to move focus between tree list columns.

Code Example

The following SetFocusedCellValue procedure implementation changes the focused cell’s value:

procedure TMyForm.SetFocusedCellValue(AValue: Variant);
  cxTreeList.FocusedNode.Values[cxTreeList.FocusedColumn.ItemIndex] := AValue;


You can focus a column only if the following conditions are met:

See Also