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TcxSchedulerDateTimeHelper Members

The TcxSchedulerDateTimeHelper class implements the date/time service of the scheduler control.


Name Description
AddDSTInfo(Integer,Integer,TDateTime,TDateTime) Creates custom DST rules for the specified year.
CalculateTransitionDate(Word,TSystemTime) Converts ADSTDateTime from TSystemTime to TDateTime for the specified year.
ConvertToAnotherTimeZone(TDateTime,Integer,Integer) Converts the ATimeZone time zone’s time into the ANextTimeZone time zone’s time.
ConvertToGlobalTime(TDateTime,Integer) Converts the ATimeZone time zone’s time into UTC time.
ConvertToLocalTime(TDateTime,Integer) Converts a UTC time into the ATimeZone time zone’s time.
CurrentTimeZone Returns the time zone’s number as specified by the host environment.
DateToLongDateStr(TDateTime) Converts the ADate date into a string formatted as a long date.
DayToStr(TDateTime,Integer,Boolean) Converts a date into a formatted date string.
DayToStrFormatCount Returns the total number of available date string formats.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
HourToStr(TDateTime) Returns a string representation of the ATime time without the AM or PM suffix, if the 12-hour format is applied.
IncMonth(Word,Word,Word,Integer) Increments the AMonth month by the number of months specified in the ANumberOfMonths parameter.
Intersect(TDateTime,TDateTime,TDateTime,TDateTime) Determines whether the time interval defined by the AStart1 or AFinish1 datetimes overlaps with the time interval defined by the AStart and AFinish (inclusive) datetimes.
IsFreeTime(TDateTime,TDays,TDateTime,TDateTime) Determines whether the ADateTime time is nonworking time.
IsOddMonth(TDateTime) Determines whether the ADate month is odd or even.
IsWeekEnd(TDateTime,TDays) Determines whether the ADate date is at the weekend.
IsWeeksFull(TDateTime,TDateTime) Determines whether the AStartDate and AEndDate parameters are the first and last days in a week.
MonthYearToStr(Integer,Integer) Returns the string representation of the AMonth month and AYear year.
Refresh Resets the date formats to their initial state.
RoundTime(TDateTime) Returns the time rounded to the nearest minute.
StartOfWeek Returns the zero-based number of the first day in a week.
TimeAMString Returns the AM suffix string which is used for the time values between 00:00 and 11:59 when using the 12-hour clock format.
TimePMString Returns the PM suffix string used for time values between 12:00 and 23:59 when using the 12-hour clock format.
TimeToStr(TDateTime) Returns a string representation of the ATime time with the AM or PM suffix if the 12-hour format is applied.
TimeZoneBias(Integer) Returns the time offset between UTC and the AIndex time zone.
TimeZoneCount Returns the number of time zones defined on the host environment.
TimeZoneInfo(Integer) Returns the TcxTimeZoneInformation record that contains details on the current time zone.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
WeekCount(TDateTime,TDateTime) Calculates the number of weeks contained within the time interval specified by the AStart and AFinish date/time parameters.
WorkDays Returns the days that contain work hours.
WorkFinish Returns the end of the work hours.
WorkStart Returns the beginning of the work hours.
See Also