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cxShowResourcesLayoutEditor(TcxCustomSchedulerStorage,TcxLookAndFeel) Method

Invokes the “Resources layout editor” dialog designed to switch visibility of individual event resources and rearrange them.


procedure cxShowResourcesLayoutEditor(AStorage: TcxCustomSchedulerStorage; ALookAndFeel: TcxLookAndFeel);


Name Type
AStorage TcxCustomSchedulerStorage
ALookAndFeel TcxLookAndFeel


Call this procedure to show the “Resources layout editor” dialog to allow users to hide or show resources and change their display order in the scheduling area. Use the AStorage parameter to specify the persistence manager component that stores the resources for which the dialog is invoked.

The ALookAndFeel parameter accepts look & feel settings that the cxShowResourcesLayoutEditor procedure applies to the displayed dialog.

See Also