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TcxSchedulerDateNavigatorMonthContentViewInfo Properties

A ViewInfo class that contains the information used to render Date Navigator calendars.
Name Description
Bounds Gets the rectangle of the Date Navigator‘s calendar.
Col Gets the zero-based number of the column which the current month is drawn in.
DayCaptions Provides indexed access to the TcxSchedulerDateNavigatorDayCaptionViewInfo object which contains view details for the day captions.
DayCount Gets a count of the days that the month currently being drawn contains.
Days Provides indexed access to the TcxSchedulerDateNavigatorDayNumberViewInfo object which contains view details for the dates shown in the Date Navigator.
HorzSeparatorBound Gets the rectangle of the horizontal splitter which visually splits the day captions and the calendar areas.
Month Gets the one-based number of the month which is currently being drawn.
Row Gets the zero-based number of the row that the current month is drawn in.
SelectedParams Gets the style settings of the date(s) which has been selected in the Date Navigator.
Transparent Specifies whether the background of the Date Navigator‘s calendar will be drawn.
VertSeparatorBound Gets the rectangle of the vertical splitter which visually splits the week numbers and the calendar areas.
ViewParams Gets the style settings of the Date Navigator‘s calendar.
WeekBounds Gets the rectangle of the week number specified by the Index parameter.
WeekCount Gets a count of how many weeks the month’s body which is currently being drawn contains.
WeekTexts Specifies the string for the week number which resides on the left side of the Date Navigator.
Year Gets the year which the month currently being drawn belongs to.
See Also