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TcxSchedulerDateNavigatorDayNumberViewInfo Members

A ViewInfo class that contains information used to render the dates in the Date Navigator.


Name Description
Bold Specifies whether the current date is drawn as bold or not.
Bounds Gets a rectangle of the Date Navigator‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerDateNavigatorCaptionViewInfo.
Date Gets the date which is currently being drawn in the Date Navigator.
Grayed Gets whether the current date is drawn in gray.
Selected Gets whether the current date is selected.
SelectionSideBounds Gets the calendar side’s rectangle when a week or weeks are selected.
Text Specifies the output text which is drawn in the Date Navigator‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerDateNavigatorCaptionViewInfo.
Transparent Specifies whether the background of the Date Navigator‘s current element will be drawn. Inherited from TcxSchedulerDateNavigatorCaptionViewInfo.
ViewParams Specifies the style settings of the Date Navigator‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerDateNavigatorCaptionViewInfo.


Name Description
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) protected Provides access to the implementation of the specified interface if the current object supports it. Inherited from TcxIUnknownObject.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also