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TcxCustomGridRecord.Expand(Boolean) Method

Expands the record.


procedure Expand(ARecurse: Boolean);


Name Type
ARecurse Boolean


As implemented in the TcxCustomGridRecord class, calling the Expand method produces no effect. This method’s behavior depends on the record type (TcxCustomGridRecord descendant). The table below lists the record classes that can use this method and describes the corresponding method calling results.

Record class The Expand method’s behavior
TcxGridGroupRow Expands the group row making its child rows visible. The ARecurse parameter specifies whether child group rows at all nesting levels should be expanded also.
TcxGridMasterDataRow Expands the master row making its corresponding detail visible. The ARecurse parameter specifies whether master rows within details at all nesting levels should be expanded also.
TcxGridCard Expands the card. The ARecurse parameter has no effect.

Calling a record’s Expand method passing False is equivalent to setting this record’s Expanded property to True.

Note that a record can only be expanded if its Expandable property returns True. Please refer to this property description for details.

See Also