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TcxGridChartCategories Properties

Categories in a Chart View.
Name Description
DataBinding Specifies an object which links the default categories to a data store.
DisplayText Specifies display text for default categories.
GridView Provides access to a Chart View which displays categories.
ID Specifies the unique identifier assigned to categories.
Owner Provides access to the control or its object to which the persisted settings belong. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent.
SortOrder Specifies the order in which the values of the default categories are sorted.
ValueCount Specifies the total number of category values (the default categories) used to render the current View.
Values Provides indexed access to the collection of category values that are used to render the current View.
VisibleDisplayTexts Returns the display text for a particular category value displayed within a chart.
VisibleValueCount Determines the total number of category values that are displayed within a Chart View.
VisibleValues Provides indexed access to the collection of category values that are displayed within a Chart View.
See Also