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TcxDBEditorRow Class

A data-aware vertical grid row.


TcxDBEditorRow = class(


A vertical grid row contains one header and displays one data cell per column.

VCL Vertical Grid: A Vertical Grid Row

#In-Place Editors

A vertical grid row can use any editor shipped with the ExpressEditors Library as an in-place editor for cell edit operations. An in-place editor instance exists (and, therefore, has its own WinAPI handle) only when a row cell is being edited. Otherwise, the column displays a static editor image for resource usage optimization.

VCL Vertical Grid: An In-Place Spin Editor

To switch between available in-place editors, you can use the Properties.EditPropertiesClass property. Use the Properties.EditProperties property to configure the in-place editor associated with the vertical grid row.

#In-Place Editors and Repository Items

Alternatively, you can assign an edit repository item component to the Properties.RepositoryItem property and use the repository item to define the active in-place editor and customize its settings.

#Multiple In-Place Editors in One Row

You can handle Properties.OnGetEditProperties and Properties.OnGetEditingProperties events to dynamically change the assigned in-place editor and its settings based on custom conditions.

VCL Vertical Grid: Different In-Place Editors in the Same Data Cell


Do not change Properties.EditPropertiesClass, Properties.EditPropertiesClassName, and Properties.EditProperties property values directly in Properties.OnGetEditProperties and Properties.OnGetEditingProperties event handlers.

To change the active editor and modify its settings safely within these event handlers, use the Properties.RepositoryItem property and TcxEditRepositoryItem class descendants.

#Main API Members

The list below outlines key members of the TcxDBEditorRow class that allow you to configure vertical grid rows.

#Appearance Customization

Specifies the height of the vertical grid row, in pixels.
Allows you to change the appearance of different vertical grid row elements.
Collapse | Expand | Expanded
Expand or collapse the vertical grid row if it has nested rows.
Specifies if the vertical grid row has focus.
HasChildren | HasVisibleChildren | Count
Allow you to check if the vertical grid row has nested rows.
Specifies the row’s position in the parent vertical grid control.
Returns the vertical grid row’s nesting level.
Scrolls the parent vertical grid control to display the current row.
Provides access to the collection of nested vertical grid rows.

#General-Purpose API Members

Provides access to vertical grid row behavior settings.
Provides access to the general, editor, and data binding settings of the vertical grid row. Properties.EditPropertiesClass and Properties.EditProperties properties allow you to change the in-place editor associated with the vertical grid row and configure the editor.
Restores the default vertical grid row behavior settings accessible through the Options property.
Provides access to the Vertical Grid control to which the row belongs.
Specifies if the vertical grid row is visible.

#Direct TcxEditorRow Class Reference

The TcxVerticalGridRows.Items property references the TcxDBEditorRow class as a TcxCustomRow object.

See Also