TcxDBEditorRowProperties Class
Represents settings that define the data-aware editor row behavior.
TcxDBEditorRowProperties = class(
The TcxDBEditorRowProperties provides settings used to control the data-aware editor row behavior. The TcxDBEditorRowProperties class inherits settings from the TcxCaptionRowProperties class: TcxCaptionRowProperties.Caption, TcxCaptionRowProperties.HeaderAlignmentHorz, TcxCaptionRowProperties.HeaderAlignmentVert, TcxCaptionRowProperties.Hint, TcxCaptionRowProperties.ImageIndex. These settings control the data-aware editor row header behavior. The DataBinding property enables the row to bind the specified dataset field. The EditProperties property is used to assign the appropriate data item editor to the row. As an alternative you can use the RepositoryItem property to bind the desired data item editor settings. And finally the Options property controls user actions on the row.
The following image demonstrates these settings in the Object Inspector: