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TcxDBMultiEditorRow Class

Represents the data-aware multi editor row in the grid control.


TcxDBMultiEditorRow = class(


The TcxDBMultiEditorRow represents the data-aware multi editor row containing a set of data-aware items. An item in the context of the data-aware grid control represents a dataset field. When formatted one item occupies one cell per column in a row (one cell for the item name in a header column and one cell for the item value in a data column). The data cell corresponds to the dataset field represented by the TcxDBVerticalGridItemDataBinding.FieldName property. The TcxMultiEditorRowProperties.Editors property is used to bind the particular item to the multi editor row. The TcxDBMultiEditorRow row supports editing capabilities. The type of editor bound to the item specifies the kind of editing. To bind an editor to the item use either the TcxCustomEditorRowProperties.EditProperties or TcxCustomEditorRowProperties.RepositoryItem properties. TcxCustomMultiEditorRow.Properties and TcxCustomMultiEditorRow.Styles properties are used to customize behavior and appearance of the row.

The following image demonstrates the data-aware multi editor row:

See Also