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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TcxPivotGridOptionsCustomize.FilterResizable Property

Specifies whether the field‘s drop-down list can be resizable.


property FilterResizable: Boolean index 6 read; write; default True;

#Property Value

Type Default
Boolean True


The field’s drop-down list is available to end-users, if the field is located in one of the three drop zones – column, row, header, or filter header area, and the TcxPivotGridOptionsCustomize.Filtering and TcxPivotGridFieldOptions.Filtering properties are set to True.

The width of that drop-down list is specified through the TcxPivotGridOptionsView.FilterDropDownWidth property. The number of the drop-down list items, which are currently visible in the drop-down box, is specified through the TcxPivotGridOptionsView.FilterDropDownMaxItemCount property (as a result the drop-down box’s height will be changed).

The above assignments affect the field’s drop-down list, if the FilterResizable property is set to False.

The default value of the FilterResizable property is True.

See Also