TdxMemData Class
A memory-based dataset component.
TdxMemData = class(
The TdxMemData
class implements a lightweight memory-based dataset component derived from the TDataSet component shipped with the standard VCL library. TdxMemData
is a convenient tool with multiple design-time data management options for test projects with data-aware VCL controls.
#Design-Time Functionality
The TdxMemData
component ships with design-time dialogs that allow you to create, configure, and populate dataset fields.
#Field Editor Dialog
You can use the Field Editor dialog to manage fields in the TdxMemData
component. Double-click the component or click Field Editor in its context menu to invoke the corresponding dialog.
#New Field Dialog
A click on the Add button invokes the New Field dialog that allows you to create a new dataset field from scratch.
To define a new field, you need to specify the following:
- Field Name
- Type
- Size (in characters, applicable to string fields only)
- Lookup definition (for lookup fields only)
#Persistent Editor Dialog
Click Persistent Editor in the component’s context menu to open the corresponding dialog.
The Persistent Editor dialog allows you to do the following:
- Add dataset records.
- Load fields from a text or binary file.
- Populate loaded fields with data. Use the same file to load both fields and records. Otherwise, the component replaces the previously loaded field structure with fields from the last specified file.
- Accept all changes applied to your dataset. A click on the OK button also creates a field component (a TField class instance) for each created field.
- Clear the dataset.
#Dataset Copy Functionality
The TdxMemData
component’s context menu includes the Assign Data From item if the project includes at least one TDataSet class descendant instance. You can click this menu item to display all available data sources in a nested context menu.
Click an item in the nested context menu to load data from the corresponding source.
#Main API Members
The list below outlines key members of the TdxMemData
class. These members allow you to populate a memory-based dataset and manage data at runtime.
#Data Binding
- Active | Close | Open
Allow you to open and close the memory-based dataset. When the dataset is closed, it cannot exchange data with data-aware controls.
You need to close the dataset when you change the field structure or data binding settings (Data
Source , for example).- DataSource
- Allows you to associate the memory-based dataset with a data source component.
#Field Structure Management
- CreateFieldsFromBinaryFile | CreateFieldsFromDataSet | CreateFieldsFromStream
- Creates dataset fields from the specified source.
- CopyFromDataSet
- Copies the data field structure and data from another data source.
#Data Management
- Append | Insert
- Create a new empty record.
- AppendRecord | InsertRecord
- Create a new populated record.
- Data
- Provides access to the collection of dataset fields stored in memory.
- Delete
- Deletes the active record and moves the current position to the next record.
- GetValueCount
- Returns the number of records that contain the specified value.
- IsEmpty
- Identifies if the dataset contains records.
- MoveCurRecordTo
- Moves the current record to the specified position in the dataset.
- ReadOnly
- Allows you to protect data from changes.
- RecordCount
- Returns the number of stored dataset records.
#Data Shaping
- FilterList | ProgrammedFilter | Filtered | OnFilterRecord
- Allow you to filter data.
- SortedFields | SortOptions
- Allow you to sort data against one or more dataset fields.
#Import and Export
- DelimiterChar
- Specifies the column delimiter character for text-based files that store exported data.
- LoadFromDataSet | LoadFromBinaryFile | LoadFromStream | LoadFromStrings | LoadFromTextFile
- Populate the dataset from a source dataset, file, string array, or stream.
- SaveToBinaryFile | SaveToStream | SaveToStrings | SaveToTextFile
- Save data to a file or stream.
#Record Navigation
- Bof | Eof
- Identify if the current position in the dataset is at the first or last record.
- First | Last | Next | Prior
- Navigate between dataset records.
#General-Purpose API Members
- DisableControls | EnableControls
- Allow you to avoid excessive redraw operations in associated data-aware controls during batch dataset changes.
- Persistent
- Provides access to the component’s DFM-related content storage settings.
#Code Examples
#Create Fields and Records
The following code example creates three dataset fields and two records in a TdxMemData
component, and displays data in a bound data-aware grid Table View:
dxmdaset, cxGrid, cxGridDBTableView;
// ...
procedure TMyForm.CreateField(AMemData: TdxMemData; AFieldName: string; AFieldType: TFieldType);
AFieldDef: TFieldDef;
if ((AMemData = nil) or (AFieldName = '')) then Exit;
AFieldDef := AMemData.FieldDefs.AddFieldDef;
AFieldDef.Name := AFieldName;
AFieldDef.DataType := AFieldType;
procedure TMyForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
if dxMemData1.Active then
// Create three fields in the memory-based dataset
CreateField(dxMemData1, 'ID', ftInteger);
CreateField(dxMemData1, 'FirstName', ftString);
CreateField(dxMemData1, 'LastName', ftString);
// Create two records and populate corresponding data cells
dxMemData1.FieldByName('ID').AsInteger := 0;
dxMemData1.FieldByName('FirstName').AsString := 'James';
dxMemData1.FieldByName('LastName').AsString := 'Packard';
dxMemData1.FieldByName('ID').AsInteger := 1;
dxMemData1.FieldByName('FirstName').AsString := 'Hannah';
dxMemData1.FieldByName('LastName').AsString := 'Brooklyn';
#Delete All Records
To delete all records, you can reopen the memory-based dataset. Make sure that the dataset’s Persistent.Option property is set to poNone to avoid an automatic data reload operation from a DFM file when the dataset becomes active.
The following code example deletes all records stored in a memory-based dataset:
if dxMemData1.Persistent.Option = poActive then
dxMemData1.Persistent.Option := poNone;