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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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dxDefaultMultiThreadedSorting Constant

Specifies if multi-threaded data sorting algorithms are enabled at the application level.


const dxDefaultMultiThreadedSorting: Boolean = True;


Type Description
Recommended. Corresponding default data controller and grid settings indicate that multi-threaded sorting algorithms are enabled.
Corresponding default data controller and grid settings indicate that multi-threaded sorting algorithms are disabled.


The dxDefaultMultiThreadedSorting global constant defines the default setting for the following properties:

Specifies if the data controller uses a multi-threaded data sorting algorithm.
Specifies if the tree list control uses a multi-threaded sorting algorithm.

#Global Multi-Threading Flag

The dxEnableMultiThreading global constant enables (default) or allows you to disable multi-threaded calculations in all DevExpress components in the application. If dxEnableMultiThreading is set to False, all other multi-threading settings have no effect.

See Also