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TcxDataControllerGroups Methods

Contains information about data groups in a grid control.
Name Description
ChangeExpanding(Integer,Boolean,Boolean) Expands or collapses a data group.
ChangeGrouping(Integer,Integer,Boolean,Boolean) Sets the group index for a specified item
ClearGrouping Removes grid data grouping.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
FullCollapse Collapses all data groups within a grid control recursively.
FullExpand Expands all data groups within a grid control recursively.
GetDataGroupIndexByGroupValue(TcxDataGroupIndex,Variant) Returns an index of the group row (data group) by the corresponding value stored in the underlying persistent field.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
HasAsParent(Integer,Integer) Checks whether the ARowIndex row is a child of the AParentRowIndex row.
LoadRecordIndexes(TList,TcxDataGroupIndex) Populates AList with indexes of records that correspond to rows of the ADataGroupIndex data group.
LoadRecordIndexesByRowIndex(TList,Integer) Populates AList with indexes of records that correspond to rows of the data group identified by the ARowIndex row.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also