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Look and Feel

ExpressQuantumGrid provides the ability of changing the control’s look & feel on the fly. Painting of grid View elements is implemented in appropriate painter classes derived from TcxCustomLookAndFeelPainter. The control itself does not refer to these descendant painter classes, only the TcxCustomLookAndFeelPainter interface provided by the base class. This provides great flexibility when changing between different look & feels.

The grid’s LookAndFeel attribute of class TcxLookAndFeel provides access to look & feel properties. It allows you to choose one of the predefined styles: Standard, Flat, UltraFlat, or Office11. The latter gives the grid’s appearance an Office 2003 style. In addition to these, ExpressQuantumGrid supports Windows® themes. The LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property enables you to use the current Windows® theme to render View elements.

The painting of View elements in a particular style is performed by a specific painter class, for instance TcxWinXPLookAndFeelPainter for the Windows® theme, which redefines the drawing functions for this purpose.