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Custom Drawing

  • 4 minutes to read

This topic describes how to custom draw the scheduler control’s elements. The examples in this topic are based on the ExpressScheduler CustomDrawDemo that ships with this product.

There are two alternatives that allow developers to customize the scheduler control’s appearance – by using styles or performing custom drawing. The first is easy to implement but not so flexible, the latter is much more flexible but requires coding.

The following image shows the scheduler’s elements:

Note: the scheduling area‘s background is only visible in the Day View that occupies a part of the scheduling area along the y-axis (the vertical scrollbar in the scheduling area disappears). For example, to make this available the following conditions should be met: the View’s TimeScale property is set to 60 and the scheduler’s parent is big enough to allow the scheduler control to show its content without the scrollbar. The Date Navigator‘s background can be visible if the scheduler’s OptionsCustomize.IntegralSizing property is set to False. The following images show the scheduling area’s and Date Navigator’s backgrounds:

As for custom drawing, the scheduler control exposes the following events, which are fired when painting specific scheduler elements.

Event Description
TcxScheduler.OnCustomDrawBackground Allows you to custom paint the scheduling area’s background. Note: the background is only visible in the Day View that occupies a part of the scheduling area along the y-axis (the vertical scrollbar in the scheduling area disappears).
TcxScheduler.OnCustomDrawButton Allows you to custom paint the “more events” button, that end-users can use to scroll to user events outside of the current boundaries of the scheduling area or a day’s cell in the Week, Weeks, Year or TimeGrid View).
TcxScheduler.OnCustomDrawContent Allows you to custom paint time blocks in the scheduling area.
TcxScheduler.OnCustomDrawDayHeader Allows you to custom paint the day’s header.
TcxScheduler.OnCustomDrawEvent Allows you to custom paint a user event scheduled in the scheduling area.
TcxScheduler.OnCustomDrawGroupSeparator Allows you to custom paint the group separator in the scheduling area (a bar that visually divides groups of schedules when schedules grouped).
TcxScheduler.OnCustomDrawResourceHeader Allows you to custom paint the resource’s header in the scheduling area.
TcxSchedulerDayView.OnCustomDrawContainer Allows you to custom paint the all-day event area located on the top of a day.
TcxSchedulerDayView.OnCustomDrawTimeRuler Allows you to custom paint the time ruler(s).
TcxSchedulerTimeGridView.OnCustomDrawMajorUnit Allows you to custom paint the major time scale.
TcxSchedulerTimeGridView.OnCustomDrawMinorUnit Allows you to custom paint the minor time scale.
TcxSchedulerTimeGridView.OnCustomDrawSelectionBar Allows you to custom paint the time selection bar.
TcxSchedulerDateNavigator.OnCustomDrawBackground Allows you to custom paint the Date Navigator’s background. Note: this background is displayed if the scheduler’s OptionsCustomize.IntegralSizing property is set to False.
TcxSchedulerDateNavigator.OnCustomDrawContent Allows you to custom paint the Date Navigator month(s)’ background.
TcxSchedulerDateNavigator.OnCustomDrawDayCaption Allows you to custom paint day captions in the Date Navigator.
TcxSchedulerDateNavigator.OnCustomDrawDayNumber Allows you to custom paint dates in the Date Navigator.
TcxSchedulerDateNavigator.OnCustomDrawHeader Allows you to custom paint the Date Navigator’s month(s) header.
TcxSchedulerResourceNavigator.OnCustomDrawButton Allows you to custom paint resource navigation buttons.

Parameters, provided with these events, are unified to facilitate the task of developing custom code:

Sender – specifies the time View shown in the scheduling area, for the TcxScheduler, TcxSchedulerTimeGridView, and TcxSchedulerDayView events. As for the TcxSchedulerDateNavigator events, Sender references the Date Navigator instance.

ACanvas – specifies the drawing surface.

AViewInfo – provides rendering information (a ViewInfo object).

ADone – specifies whether default painting is required. If ADone is True, it prevents the default repainting after custom rendering has been finished.

The following examples show how to handle the TcxSchedulerDateNavigator events listed above.


the output as shown below is produced only if the LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property is set to False and the lfFlat flag on the LookAndFeel.Kind property is active.


// ...
  ACanvas.Brush.Color := $FFCCCC;
  ADone := True;


// ...
  AColor: TColor;
  case AViewInfo.Month of
    3..5: AColor := $D0FFD0;  // spring
    6..8: AColor := $9988FE;  // summer
    9..11: AColor := $D0FFFF; // autumn
    AColor := clWhite;        // winter
  ACanvas.Brush.Color := AColor;


// ...
  if AViewInfo.Index in [0, 6] then  // Sunday and Saturday are off days
    ACanvas.Font.Color := clRed


// implementing the OnCustomDrawDayNumber event handler in this example is optional. The OnCustomDrawContent event handler (described above) does all the work necessary because the day numbers should be colored in the same way as the month's background in this context. The code that implements the painting of the day numbers is for demonstration purposes only.


// ...
  ACanvas.Brush.Color := $80FFFF;

This is the result when default drawing is used:

Here is the result when all the event handlers mentioned above are applied: