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UnboundColumnDataEventArgs Class

A base class for CustomDataEventArgs and CustomColumnDataEventArgs that supplies data for CustomUnboundData-related events.

Namespace: DevExpress.Data

Assembly: DevExpress.Data.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Data


public abstract class UnboundColumnDataEventArgs :


CustomUnboundColumnData and CustomUnboundData events fire in the following cases:

  • Before an unbound column/row is populated with values. The e.IsGetData event parameter is set to true. Use the e.Value event parameter to specify a cell value in the unbound column/row.
  • When a cell value in an unbound column/row is modified. The e.IsSetData event parameter is set to true. The e.Value parameter contains the modified cell value. Handle the event to save/post the modified cell value to the data source.


Read the following help topic for additional information: Tutorial - Unbound Columns.


See Also