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LinqInstantFeedbackSource.DismissQueryable Event

Occurs when the LinqInstantFeedbackSource no longer needs the queryable source it used to retrieve objects from the data store.

Namespace: DevExpress.Data.Linq

Assembly: DevExpress.Data.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Data


public event EventHandler<GetQueryableEventArgs> DismissQueryable

#Event Data

The DismissQueryable event's data class is GetQueryableEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
AreSourceRowsThreadSafe Specifies whether elements retrieved by the LinqInstantFeedbackSource‘s queryable source are thread-safe.
KeyExpression Gets or sets the name of the key property.
QueryableSource Gets or sets the queryable data source.
Tag Gets or sets an arbitrary object associated with a queryable source.


You can access the object you have assigned to the GetQueryableEventArgs.Tag property in the LinqInstantFeedbackSource.GetQueryable event handler.


This example demonstrates how to initialize a LinqInstantFeedbackSource, to retrieve data from a “Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader” data table (included in the AdventureWorks database shipped with MS SQL Server). The PurchaseOrderHeader persistent class is declared, and mapped to the “Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader” data table using the System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute attribute. Then, a System.Data.Linq.Table<PurchaseOrderHeader> is passed to the LinqInstantFeedbackSource in the LinqInstantFeedbackSource.GetQueryable event handler.

using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Data.Linq.Mapping;
using DevExpress.Data.Linq;

// The class describing the "Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader" table 
// from the AdventureWorks SQL database
public partial class PurchaseOrderHeader : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged {
    [Column(Storage="_PurchaseOrderID", AutoSync=AutoSync.OnInsert, 
        DbType="Int NOT NULL IDENTITY", 
        IsPrimaryKey=true, IsDbGenerated=true)]
    // The property mapped to the primary key column
    public int PurchaseOrderID {

// The class describing the AdventureWorks SQL database
public partial class AdvWorksDataContext : DataContext {
    public System.Data.Linq.Table<PurchaseOrderHeader> PurchaseOrderHeaders {
        get {
            return this.GetTable<PurchaseOrderHeader>();

public partial class Form1 : Form {
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        // Specify the key property of the PurchaseOrderHeader
        linqInstantFeedbackSource1.KeyExpression = "PurchaseOrderID";
        // Handle the GetQueryable event, to create a DataContext and assign a queryable source
        linqInstantFeedbackSource1.GetQueryable += linqInstantFeedbackSource1_GetQueryable;
        // Handle the DismissQueryable event, to dispose of the DataContext
        linqInstantFeedbackSource1.DismissQueryable += linqInstantFeedbackSource1_DismissQueryable;
        // Assign the created data source to an XtraGrid
        gridControl1.DataSource = linqInstantFeedbackSource1;
    void linqInstantFeedbackSource1_GetQueryable(object sender, GetQueryableEventArgs e) {
        // Instantiate a new DataContext
        AdvWorksDataContext dataContext = new AdvWorksDataContext();
        // Assign a queryable source to the LinqInstantFeedbackSource
        e.QueryableSource = dataContext.PurchaseOrderHeaders;
        // Assign the DataContext to the Tag property, 
        // to dispose of it in the DismissQueryable event handler
        e.Tag = dataContext;            
    void linqInstantFeedbackSource1_DismissQueryable(object sender, GetQueryableEventArgs e) {
        // Dispose of the DataContext
See Also