ASPxClientPopupControlCollection Members
Represents a client collection that maintains client popup control objects.Methods
Name | Description |
ForEachControl(action) | Performs the specified action for each control in the collection. Inherited from ASPxClientControlCollection. |
Get(name) | Obsolete. Returns a collection item identified by its unique hierarchically-qualified identifier. Inherited from ASPxClientControlCollection. |
GetByName(name) | Returns a DevExpress client control object identified by its unique hierarchically-qualified identifier (either ClientInstanceName or ClientID property value). Inherited from ASPxClientControlCollection. |
GetControlsByPredicate(predicate) | Returns all controls in the collection that satisfy the specified predicate. Inherited from ASPxClientControlCollection. |
GetControlsByType(type) | Returns all controls of the specified type. Inherited from ASPxClientControlCollection. |
HideAllWindows | Hides all popup windows maintained by the collection. |
Name | Description |
BeginCallback | Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated by any DevExpress control. Inherited from ASPxClientControlCollection. |
BrowserWindowResized | Occurs when the browser window is being resized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlCollection. |
CallbackError | Fires on the client if any server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by any DevExpress web control. Inherited from ASPxClientControlCollection. |
ControlsInitialized | Occurs on the client side after client object models of all DevExpress web controls contained within the page have been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlCollection. |
EndCallback | Occurs on the client side, after server-side processing of a callback initiated by any DevExpress web control, has been completed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlCollection. |
ValidationCompleted | Occurs after the validation initiated for a DevExpress web control (or a group of DevExpress web controls) has been completed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlCollection. |
See Also