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ASPxClientGridBase.BatchEditSummaryDisplayText Event

Fires when a user changes the summary item value.


BatchEditSummaryDisplayText: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientGridBatchEditSummaryDisplayTextEventHandler<ASPxClientGridBase>>

#Event Data

The BatchEditSummaryDisplayText event's data class is ASPxClientGridBatchEditSummaryDisplayTextEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
displayText Gets or sets the summary item’s display text.
groupRowVisibleIndex Specifies the group row’s visible index.
isGroupSummary Specifies whether the processed summary is a group summary.
isTotalSummary Specifies whether the processed summary is a total summary.
serverValue Gets the summary item’s server value.
summaryElement Gets the element that contains the summary item.
summaryFieldName Gets the summary item’s field name.
summaryItemIndex Gets the summary item index.
summaryType Gets the summary type.
value Specifies the summary item’s value.


The grid with default settings does not highlight its summaries when their values are recalculated in real time. You can do one of the following to highlight recalculated summaries:

  • Set the HighlightSummaryItems property to true to use the predefined style settings.

    GridView - HighlightSummaryItems Property

    <dx:ASPxGridView ID="GridView" runat="server" ...>
        <SettingsEditing Mode="Batch">
            <BatchEditSettings HighlightSummaryItems="True" />
  • Handle the BatchEditSummaryDisplayText client-side event to provide custom content and appearance on the summaries. In the following example, the grid highlights the “Total” column’s summaries with a green color when their values change or with a red color when their values exceed 1,300,000.

    GridView - BatchEditSummaryDisplayText Event

    <dx:ASPxGridView ID="Grid" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="grid" >
        // ...
        <SettingsEditing Mode="Batch" />
        <ClientSideEvents BatchEditSummaryDisplayText="onBatchEditSummaryDisplayText" />
            <dx:ASPxSummaryItem FieldName="Total" SummaryType="Sum" />
            <dx:ASPxSummaryItem FieldName="Total" SummaryType="Sum" />
    function onBatchEditSummaryDisplayText(s, e) {
        if (e.summaryFieldName === "Total") {
            var isValueChanged = e.value !== e.serverValue;
            var hasLargeValue = e.value > 1300000;
            ASPxClientUtils.ToggleClassName(e.summaryElement, "summaryItemChangedValue", isValueChanged);
            ASPxClientUtils.ToggleClassName(e.summaryElement, "summaryItemLargeValue", hasLargeValue);
    .summaryItemChangedValue {
        background-color: #d7f9c7;
    .summaryItemLargeValue.summaryItemChangedValue {
        background-color: #ffe6e6;


The BatchEditSummaryDisplayText event has higher priority over the HighlightSummaryItems property setting.

#Online Demo

ASPxGridView - Client Summary Calculation

See Also