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ASPxClientDockManager.StartPanelDragging Event

Occurs when a panel dragging operation is started.


StartPanelDragging: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDockManagerEventHandler<ASPxClientDockManager>>

Event Data

The StartPanelDragging event's data class is ASPxClientDockManagerEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
panel Gets the panel currently being processed.


If the ASPxDockPanel.AllowDragging option is enabled, end-users are allowed to move a panel. The StartPanelDragging and ASPxClientDockManager.EndPanelDragging events allow you to perform specific actions, in response to the start and end of a dragging operation.

To learn more, see the Common Docking Events topic.

See Also