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.NET 6.0+

MyDetailsController.MyDetailsAction Property

Gets a SimpleAction used to invoke the My Details Detail View.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.1.dll


public SimpleAction MyDetailsAction { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A SimpleAction object used to invoke the My Details Detail View.


MyDetailsAction represents the SimpleAction Action that allows end-users to invoke the My Details Detail View in an ASP.NET Web Forms application. This Detail View represents the current User details.


MyDetailsController adds the MyDetailsAction Action to the Security Action Container. This Action Container is added to the Default.aspx Template in the ASP.NET Web Forms application version, and also includes the LogoffController.LogoffAction Action.


The MyDetails Action is hidden if the user does not have the Navigate permission for the User object type.

To ascertain why the MyDetails Action is currently deactivated or disabled, use the DiagnosticInfo Action. If you need to change the Action’s “active” or “enabled” state in code, use its ActionBase.Active or ActionBase.Enabled property, respectively.

Information on the MyDetails Action is available in the Application Model‘s ActionDesign node. To access it, use the Model Editor.

See Also