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XRPivotGridScripts Members

Contains names of the scripts for an XRPivotGrid control.


Name Description
OnAfterPrint Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.AfterPrint event. Inherited from XRControlEvents.
OnBeforePrint Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.BeforePrint event. Inherited from XRControlEvents.
OnCustomCellDisplayText Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.CustomCellDisplayText event.
OnCustomCellValue Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.CustomCellValue event.
OnCustomChartDataSourceData Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.CustomChartDataSourceData event.
OnCustomChartDataSourceRows Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.CustomChartDataSourceRows event.
OnCustomColumnWidth Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the PivotGridControl.CustomColumnWidth event.
OnCustomFieldSort Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.CustomFieldSort event.
OnCustomFieldValueCells Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.CustomFieldValueCells event.
OnCustomGroupInterval Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.CustomGroupInterval event.
OnCustomRowHeight Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the PivotGridControl.CustomRowHeight event.
OnCustomServerModeSort Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.CustomServerModeSort event.
OnCustomSummary Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.CustomSummary event.
OnCustomUnboundFieldData Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.CustomUnboundFieldData event.
OnFieldValueDisplayText Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.FieldValueDisplayText event.
OnLocationChanged Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.LocationChanged event. Inherited from XRControlEvents.
OnParentChanged Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.ParentChanged event. Inherited from XRControlEvents.
OnPrefilterCriteriaChanged Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.PrefilterCriteriaChanged event.
OnPrintCell Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.PrintCell event.
OnPrintFieldValue Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.PrintFieldValue event.
OnPrintHeader Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRPivotGrid.PrintHeader event.
OnSizeChanged Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.SizeChanged event. Inherited from XRControlEvents.


Name Description
Dispose() Disposes of the XRScriptsBase object. Inherited from XRScriptsBase.
EnumerateScriptsProperties<T>(Func<PropertyDescriptor, T>) For internal use. Inherited from XRScriptsBase.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GenerateDefaultEventScript(String, String) Generates the default script for the specified event. Inherited from XRScriptsBase.
GenerateDefaultEventScript(String) Generates the default script for the specified property. For internal use only. Inherited from XRScriptsBase.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetScriptsNames(Func<PropertyDescriptor, String>) Returns an array of available script names. Inherited from XRScriptsBase.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
IsDefault() Determines whether the current script is equal to the default script text. For internal use only. Inherited from XRScriptsBase.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also