XRChartScripts Properties
Contains names of the scripts for an XRChart control.Name | Description |
OnAfterPrint | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.AfterPrint event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnAxisScaleChanged | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.AxisScaleChanged event. |
OnAxisVisualRangeChanged | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.AxisVisualRangeChanged event. |
OnAxisWholeRangeChanged | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.AxisWholeRangeChanged event. |
OnBeforePrint | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.BeforePrint event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnBoundDataChanged | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.BoundDataChanged event. |
OnCustomDrawAxisLabel | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.CustomDrawAxisLabel event. |
OnCustomDrawCrosshair | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.CustomDrawCrosshair event. |
OnCustomDrawSeries | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.CustomDrawSeries event. |
OnCustomDrawSeriesPoint | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.CustomDrawSeriesPoint event. |
OnCustomizePieTotalLabel | Gets or sets the name of the script that handles the XRChart.CustomizePieTotalLabel event. |
OnCustomizeStackedBarTotalLabel | Gets or sets the name of the script that handles the XRChart.CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabel event. |
OnCustomPaint | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.CustomPaint event. |
OnDeserialized | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.Deserialized event. |
OnDraw | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.Draw event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnEvaluateBinding | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.EvaluateBinding event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnHtmlItemCreated | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.HtmlItemCreated event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnLocationChanged | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.LocationChanged event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnParentChanged | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.ParentChanged event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnPieSeriesPointExploded | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.PieSeriesPointExploded event. |
OnPreviewClick | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.PreviewClick event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnPreviewDoubleClick | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.PreviewDoubleClick event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnPreviewMouseDown | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.PreviewMouseDown event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnPreviewMouseMove | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.PreviewMouseMove event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnPreviewMouseUp | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.PreviewMouseUp event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnPrintOnPage | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.PrintOnPage event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnSizeChanged | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRControl.SizeChanged event. Inherited from XRControlEvents. |
OnSmallChartTextShowing | Gets or sets the name of the script used to handle the XRChart.SmallChartTextShowing event. |
See Also