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XRBinding.Create(String, Object, String, String) Method

Creates a new data binding object with the specified property name, data source, data member and format string.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.UI

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Reporting.Core


public static XRBinding Create(
    string propertyName,
    object dataSource,
    string dataMember,
    string formatString


Name Type Description
propertyName String

A String value specifying a control’s property name to bind to a data field. This value is assigned to the XRBinding.PropertyName property.

dataSource Object

A Object class descendant, which specifies a data source to provide data for a control’s property. This value is assigned to the XRBinding.DataSource property.

dataMember String

A String value, which specifies a navigation path to a data field in a data source. This value is assigned to the XRBinding.DataMember property.

formatString String

A String value specifying a format for the output value. This value is assigned to the XRBinding.FormatString property.


Type Description

A new XRBinding instance.


To learn which objects can be passed as a dataSource parameter to this constructor, refer to the Quick Guide to Report Data Binding document.

See Also