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Ribbon Message

  • 2 minutes to read

The Ribbon control can display messages - Office-inspired flyout notifications and alerts. The Ribbon control stores its messages within the Messages collection.

Ribbon Style - Office 365

Run Demo

Messages from child merged ribbons are stored in the MergedMessages collection.

Show Message

Use the ShowMessage method to display a Ribbon message. This method accepts a RibbonMessageArgs object, which contains information about the message (title, description, icon, buttons, and color).

Close Message

Use the CloseMessage(RibbonMessageArgs, DialogResult) method to close the specified Ribbon message.

The Ribbon control raises the MessageClosed event after a message is closed and allows you to handle button clicks.


using DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon;

void ShowMessage() {
    RibbonMessageArgs args = new RibbonMessageArgs();
    args.Caption = "What's New";
    args.Text = "Explore our new WinForms-related features we expect to introduce in our first major update this year (v23.1).";
    args.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Information;
    args.Buttons = new DialogResult[] { DialogResult.OK };
    args.Showing += Args_Showing;
    Ribbon.MessageClosed += Ribbon_MessageClosed;
void Ribbon_MessageClosed(object sender, RibbonMessageClosedArgs e) {
    if(e.Result == DialogResult.OK)
void Args_Showing(object sender, RibbonMessageShowingArgs e) {
    e.Buttons[DialogResult.OK].Caption = "Explore Roadmap";

The following image shows the result:

Ribbon Style - Office 365