Input Box
- 3 minutes to read
An XtraInputBox is a skinable dialog that displays one editor for end users to set a desired value, and OK/Cancel buttons to confirm or reject this value. This dialog is a simplified version of the XtraDialog control with minimal customization options.
Input Boxes are designed to return values entered by users: either a user has entered a value, or the message was closed and the return value is null
. These objects do not return Dialog
enumeration values, and do not allow you to identify which message button a user clicked. If you require this behavior, use Xtra
Input Boxes are created and customized entirely from code. To do that, call one of the XtraInputBox.Show methods.
#Display an Input Box With a Default TextEdit Editor
To display an Input Box of this type, call the XtraInputBox.Show method overload with three string parameters.
Parameter Name | Description |
Prompt | The text string above the editor. |
Title | The dialog caption. |
Default |
The default editor value, shown when the input box appears on screen. |
The image and code below illustrate an example.
This XtraInputBox.Show method returns an editor value when an end user clicks “OK”. Otherwise, it returns String.Empty.
#Display an Input Box With a Custom Editor
To display an Input Box with any DevExpress editor within it, call the XtraInputBox.Show method overload, which takes an instance of the XtraInputBoxArgs class as a parameter. The XtraInputBoxArgs class exposes the following public properties.
Property | Description |
Xtra |
The editor displayed by an Input Box |
Xtra |
The default editor value, shown when the input box appears on screen. |
Xtra |
The text above the editor. |
Xtra |
This event allows you to access and customize a form within the dialog. For instance, you can set a dialog icon. |
Default |
Specifies what Input Box button is the default one. When a user presses the Enter key, the default button is considered clicked. Set this property to 0 to make “OK” the default button, or 1 to make the “Cancel” button the default button instead. |
Caption | The Input Box title. |
In the following figure, an Input Box displays a DateEdit editor. The code below illustrates how to create such an Input Box.
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
// Initialize a new XtraInputBoxArgs instance
XtraInputBoxArgs args = new XtraInputBoxArgs();
// Set required Input Box options
args.Caption = "Shipping options";
args.Prompt = "Delivery date";
args.DefaultButtonIndex = 0;
args.Showing += Args_Showing;
// Initialize a DateEdit editor with custom settings
DateEdit editor = new DateEdit();
editor.Properties.CalendarView = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.CalendarView.TouchUI;
editor.Properties.Mask.EditMask = "MMMM d, yyyy";
args.Editor = editor;
// A default DateEdit value
args.DefaultResponse = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(3);
// Display an Input Box with the custom editor
var result = XtraInputBox.Show(args).ToString();
// Set a dialog icon
private void Args_Showing(object sender, XtraMessageShowingArgs e) {
e.MessageBoxForm.Icon = this.Icon;
When an end user clicks “OK”, this XtraInputBox.Show method returns an Object that is the editor’s edit value. Otherwise, the method returns null.