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DXSchedulerPrintAdapter Events

A base class for print adapters of the SchedulerControl reports.
Name Description
DataContextChanged Occurs when the data context for this element changes. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
PropertyChanged Occurs every time any of the DXSchedulerPrintAdapter class properties has changed its value.
PropertyChanging Occurs before a value of any of the DXSchedulerPrintAdapter class properties is changed.
SchedulerSourceChanged Occurs when the scheduler source of the print adapter is changed.
ValidateAppointments Occurs when appointments are retrieved to create a report document.
ValidateResources Occurs when resources are obtained for use in the report.
ValidateTimeIntervals Occurs when the print adapter retrieves information on time intervals required for creating a report.
ValidateWorkTime Occurs when the print adapter retrieves the work time value for use in the report.
See Also