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ReportDesignerDocument.SubreportLoadFailed Event

Occurs when the attempt to load a subreport to the current designer document failed.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Reports.UserDesigner

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.ReportDesigner.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Reporting


public event EventHandler<ReportDesignerDocumentSubreportLoadFailedEventArgs> SubreportLoadFailed

Event Data

The SubreportLoadFailed event's data class is ReportDesignerDocumentSubreportLoadFailedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Document Gets the report designer document currently being processed.
ErrorMessage Gets or sets an error description displayed within an error message box. Inherited from OperationFailedEventArgs.
Exception Gets an exception that raised the corresponding event. Inherited from OperationFailedEventArgs.
ReportSourceUrl Specifies a URL of a report definition file (*.REPX) loaded as a subreport. Inherited from SubreportLoadFailedEventArgs.
Rethrow Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to throw an exception on a failure. Inherited from OperationFailedEventArgs.
ShowErrorMessage Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to display an error message box. Inherited from OperationFailedEventArgs.


Handle the SubreportLoadFailed event to respond to a failure to load a subreport to the designer document.

The current designer document is specified by the Document property of the event parameter. The ReportSourceUrl property defines the URL of a report definition file (*.REPX) loaded as a subreport. Use the Exception property to get the exception that caused the failure. The event parameter’s properties also allow you to specify the error description, whether to show the error message, etc.

See Also