DefaultBarItemNames Fields
Contains default item captions displayed in the Report Designer‘s toolbar.Name | Description |
AddCalculatedFields | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bAddCalculatedFields”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Add Calculated Field toolbar button that invokes the Calculated Field Collection Editor. |
AddNewDataSource | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bAddNewDataSource”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Add Data Source toolbar button that invokes the Data Source Wizard. |
AddParameter | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bAddParameter”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Add Parameter toolbar button that allows you to create a new report parameter. |
AlignBottom | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bAlignBottom”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Align Bottoms toolbar button that aligns the bottoms of the selected controls. |
AlignHorizontalCenters | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bAlignHorizontalCenters”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Align Middles toolbar button that aligns the centers of the selected controls horizontally. |
AlignLeft | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bAlignLeft”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Align Lefts toolbar button that aligns the selected controls to the left. |
AlignmentGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgAlignment”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Alignment toolbar group. |
AlignRight | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bAlignRight”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Align Rights toolbar button that aligns the selected controls to the right. |
AlignToGrid | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bAlignToGrid”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Align to Grid button that aligns the positions of the selected controls to the grid. |
AlignTop | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bAlignTop”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Align Tops toolbar button that aligns the tops of the selected controls. |
AlignVerticalCenters | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bAlignVerticalCenters”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Align Centers toolbar button that aligns the centers of the selected controls vertically. |
ArrangeGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgArrange”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Arrange toolbar group that contains items allowing you to change the order of stacked elements. |
Background | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBackground”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that specifies the background color of the selected report elements. |
BarCodeAutoModule | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBarCodeAutoModule”. Corresponds to the Bar Code Tools contextual page’s Auto Module toolbar button that automatically calculates the bar width based on bar code dimensions. |
BarCodeDesignPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpBarCodeDesign”. Corresponds to the Bar Code Tools contextual tab’s Design page. |
BarCodeDesignSymbologyGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgBarCodeDesignSymbology”. Corresponds to the Symbology toolbar group of the Bar Code Tools contextual tab. |
BarCodeDesignViewGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgBarCodeDesignView”. Corresponds to the View toolbar group of the Bar Code Tools contextual tab. |
BarCodeGallery | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBarCodeGallery”. Corresponds to the Bar Code Tools contextual page’s gallery that allows choosing the bar code symbology. |
BarCodePageCategory | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpcBarCode”. Corresponds to the Bar Code Tools contextual tab. |
BarCodeShowText | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBarCodeShowText”. Corresponds to the Bar Code Tools contextual page’s Show Text toolbar button that specifies whether to display accompanying text in a bar code. |
BorderBottom | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBorderBottom”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar button that adds the bottom border to the selected controls. |
BorderColor | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBorderColor”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar button that allows changing the border color. |
BorderDashStyle | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBorderDashStyle”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar button that allows changing the border dash style. |
BorderLeft | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBorderLeft”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar button that adds the left border to the selected controls. |
BorderRight | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBorderRight”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar button that adds the right border to the selected controls. |
BordersAll | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBordersAll”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar button that adds all borders to the selected controls. |
BordersGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgBorders”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Borders toolbar group. |
BordersNone | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBordersNone”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar button that removes borders from the selected controls. |
BorderTop | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBorderTop”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar button that adds the top border to the selected controls. |
BorderWidth | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBorderWidth”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar button that allows changing the border width. |
BringForward | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBringForward”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s toolbar item that moves the selected report elements one step closer to the front. |
BringToFront | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBringToFront”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s toolbar item that brings the selected report elements to the front of a group of stacked elements. |
BringToFrontSelector | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bBringToFrontSelector”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Bring to Front toolbar button that brings the selected report elements to the front. |
CenterHorizontally | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bCenterHorizontally”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Center Horizontally toolbar button. |
CenterVertically | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bCenterVertically”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Center Vertically toolbar button. |
CharacterCombAutoHeight | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bCharacterCombAutoHeight”. Corresponds to the Character Comb Tools contextual page’s Auto Width toolbar item that automatically adjusts the cell height depending on the current font size. |
CharacterCombAutoWidth | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bCharacterCombAutoWidth”. Corresponds to the Character Comb Tools contextual page’s Auto Width toolbar item that automatically adjusts the cell width depending on the current font size. |
CharacterCombCellHeight | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bCharacterCombCellHeight”. Corresponds to the Character Comb Tools contextual page’s Height toolbar item that specifies the cell height. |
CharacterCombCellHorzSpacing | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bCharacterCombCellWidth”. Corresponds to the Character Comb Tools contextual page’s Horizontal Spacing toolbar item that specifies the horizontal spacing between adjacent cells. |
CharacterCombCellVerticalSpacing | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bCharacterCombCellVerticalSpacing”. Corresponds to the Character Comb Tools contextual page’s Vertical Spacing toolbar item that specifies the vertical spacing between adjacent cells. |
CharacterCombCellWidth | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bCharacterCombCellHorzSpacing”. Corresponds to the Character Comb Tools contextual page’s = Width toolbar item that specifies the cell width. |
CharacterCombDesignPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpCharacterCombDesign”. Corresponds to the Character Comb Tools contextual tab’s Design page. |
CharacterCombDesignSizeGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgCharacterCombDesignSize”. Corresponds to the Cell Size toolbar group of the Character Comb Tools contextual tab. |
CharacterCombPageCategory | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpcCharacterComb”. Corresponds to the Character Comb Tools contextual tab. |
ChartAddImageAnnotation | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartAddImageAnnotation”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Add Image Annotation toolbar button that adds an image annotation to a chart. |
ChartAddNewDataSource | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartAddNewDataSource”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Add Data Source toolbar button that invokes the Data Source Wizard. |
ChartAddSeriesViewArea | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartAddSeriesViewArea”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Area toolbar button that adds a series to display values as a filled area with peaks and hollows. |
ChartAddSeriesViewBar | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartAddSeriesViewBar”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Bar toolbar button that adds a series to display values as vertical columns grouped by categories. |
ChartAddSeriesViewLine | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartAddSeriesViewLine”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Line toolbar button that adds a series to show line trends over time or categories. |
ChartAddSeriesViewOther | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartAddSeriesViewOther”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Other Series toolbar button that allows choosing a series type. |
ChartAddSeriesViewPieAndDoughnut | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartAddSeriesViewPieAndDoughnut”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Pie and Doghnut toolbar button that adds a series to display the percentage values of different point arguments to compare their significance. |
ChartAddSeriesViewRadarAndPolar | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartAddSeriesViewRadarAndPolar”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Radar and Polar toolbar button that adds a series to display values as a circular graph. |
ChartAddSeriesViewRange | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartAddSeriesViewRange”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Range toolbar button that adds a series to display a range of values with the minimum and maximum limits. |
ChartAddTextAnnotation | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartAddTextAnnotation”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Add Text Annotation toolbar button that adds an text annotation to a chart. |
ChartAppearanceGalleryItem | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartAppearanceGalleryItem”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s gallery that allows specifying a chart’s appearance. |
ChartDesignAnnotationsGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgChartDesignAnnotations”. Corresponds to the Annotations toolbar group of the Chart Tools contextual tab. |
ChartDesignAppearanceGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgChartDesignAppearance”. Corresponds to the Appearance toolbar group of the Chart Tools contextual tab. |
ChartDesignDataGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgChartDesignData”. Corresponds to the Data toolbar group of the Chart Tools contextual tab. |
ChartDesignLayoutGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgChartDesignLayout”. Corresponds to the Layout toolbar group of the Chart Tools contextual tab. |
ChartDesignPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpChartDesign”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual tab’s Design page. |
ChartDesignSeriesGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgChartDesignSeries”. Corresponds to the Series toolbar group of the Chart Tools contextual tab. |
ChartLoad | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartLoad”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Load toolbar button that allows loading a chart from an XML file. |
ChartPageCategory | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpcChart”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual tab. |
ChartRemoveAnnotation | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartRemoveAnnotation”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Remove Annotation toolbar button that removes the selected annotation. |
ChartRemoveSeries | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartRemoveSeries”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Remove Series toolbar button that removes the selected series. |
ChartRunDesigner | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartRunDesigner”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Run Designer toolbar button that runs the Chart Designer. It allows creating and editing properties of a chart and its elements. |
ChartSave | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bChartSave”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Save toolbar button that allows saving a chart to an XML file. |
CollapseAllBands | |
Copy | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bCopy”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Copy toolbar button that copies the selected report elements to the clipboard. |
Cut | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bCut”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Cut toolbar button that cuts the selected report elements to the clipboard. |
DataGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgData”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Data toolbar group that contains items to add a report data source, calculated field or report parameter. |
Delete | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bDelete”. Corresponds to the Delete toolbar button that removes the selected report elements. |
DesignerHomePage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpDesignerHome”. Corresponds to the Home toolbar page. |
DesignerPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpDesigner”. Corresponds to the Designer tab that activates the report’s design mode. |
DesignerPageCategory | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpcDesigner”. Corresponds to the default Report Designer pages. |
DrawGridLines | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bDrawGridLines”. Corresponds to the View page’s Grid Lines toolbar button that specifies whether to draw grid lines. |
DrawWatermark | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bDrawWatermark”. Corresponds to the View page’s Watermark toolbar button that specifies whether to draw a report’s watermark on the design surface. |
EditGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgEdit”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Clipboard toolbar group that contains items for editing report elements. |
EditorsGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgEditors”. Corresponds to the Editors toolbar group that contains buttons for invoking dedicated dialogs. |
ExpandAllBands | |
ExtractStyle | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bExtractStyle”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Extract Style toolbar button that creates a new style based on the selected control’s appearance settings. |
FitBoundsToContainer | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bFitBoundsToContainer”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Fit Bounds to Container toolbar button that adjusts the control size to occupy the entire available container space. |
FitBoundsToText | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bFitBoundsToText”. Corresponds to the Text Tools contextual page’s Fit Bounds to Text toolbar button that adjusts the size of the selected controls to fit their text. |
FitTextToBounds | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bFitTextToBounds”. Corresponds to the Text Tools contextual page’s Fit Text to Bounds toolbar button. It adjusts the font size of the selected controls to fit their entire area. |
FontBold | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bFontBold”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that applies/removes bold formatting to/from the selected report elements. |
FontGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgFont”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Font toolbar group that contains items for customizing font, color, formatting and alignment settings of report controls. |
FontItalic | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bFontItalic”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that applies/removes italic formatting to/from the selected report elements. |
FontName | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bFontName”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that specifies the font name of the selected report elements. |
FontSize | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bFontSize”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that specifies the font size of the selected report elements. |
FontStrikeOut | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bFontStrikeOut”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that applies/removes strikethrough to/from the selected report elements. |
FontUnderline | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bFontUnderline”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that applies/removes underlining to/from the selected report elements. |
Foreground | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bForeground”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that specifies the foreground color of the selected report elements. |
GaugeDarkTheme | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bGaugeDarkTheme”. Corresponds to the Gauge Tools contextual page’s Flat Dark toolbar button that sets the Flat Dark color theme for a gauge. |
GaugeDesignPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpGaugeDesign”. Corresponds to the Gauge Tools contextual tab’s View page. |
GaugeDesignThemeGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpGaugeDesignTheme”. Corresponds to the Theme toolbar group of the Gauge Tools contextual tab. |
GaugeDesignViewGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpGaugeDesignView”. Corresponds to the View toolbar group of the Gauge Tools contextual tab. |
GaugeGallery | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bGaugeGallery”. Corresponds to the Gauge Tools contextual page’s gallery that allows choosing the gauge view. |
GaugeLightTheme | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bGaugeLightTheme”. Corresponds to the Gauge Tools contextual page’s Flat Light toolbar button that sets the Flat Light color theme for a gauge. |
GaugePageCategory | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpcGauge”. Corresponds to the Gauge Tools contextual tab. |
HorizontalSpaceConcatenate | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bHorizontalSpaceConcatenate”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Remove Horizontal Spacing toolbar button. |
HorizontalSpaceDecrease | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bHorizontalSpaceDecrease”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Decrease Horizontal Spacing toolbar button. |
HorizontalSpaceIncrease | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bHorizontalSpaceIncrease”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Increase Horizontal Spacing toolbar button. |
HorizontalSpaceMakeEqual | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bHorizontalSpaceMakeEqual”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Make Horizontal Spacing Equal toolbar button. |
LabelAutoWidth | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bLabelAutoWidth”. Corresponds to the Text Tools contextual page’s Auto Width toolbar item that enables the selected controls to adjust their width to fit their content. |
LabelCanGrow | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bLabelCanGrow”. Corresponds to the Text Tools contextual page’s Auto Width toolbar item that enables the selected controls to increase their height to fit their content. |
LabelCanShrink | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bLabelCanShrink”. Corresponds to the Text Tools contextual page’s Auto Width toolbar item that enables the selected controls to decrease their height to fit their content. |
LabelWordWrap | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bLabelWordWrap”. Corresponds to the Text Tools contextual page’s Auto Width toolbar item that enables the selected controls to wrap their text if it does not fit a line. |
LayoutGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgLayout”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Layout toolbar group. |
LayoutPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpTableLayout”. Corresponds to the Layout toolbar page. |
LayoutSnappingGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgLayoutSnapping”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Snapping toolbar group. |
New | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bNew”. Corresponds to the New toolbar button that creates a new report using the Report Wizard. |
Open | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bOpen”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Open toolbar button that invokes the Open dialog for selecting the report to be loaded. |
PageAppearanceGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgPageAppearance”. Corresponds to the Page page’s Appearance toolbar group. |
PageColor | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPageColor”. Corresponds to the Page page’s Page Color toolbar button that allows specifying the background color for report pages. |
PageMargins | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPageMargins”. Corresponds to the Page page’s Margins toolbar button that allows specifying margin sizes for a report. |
PageOrientation | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPageOrientation”. Corresponds to the Page page’s Orientation toolbar button that allows switching between portrait and landscape layouts. |
PageRibbonPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpPage”. Corresponds to the Page toolbar page. |
PageSetup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPageSetup”. Corresponds to the Page Setup toolbar button that invokes the Page Setup dialog. |
PageSetupGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgPageSetup”. Corresponds to the Page page’s Page Setup toolbar group. |
PaperKind | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPaperKind”. Corresponds to the Page page’s Size toolbar button that allows choosing a paper size for a report. |
Paste | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPaste”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Paste toolbar button that pastes the contents of the clipboard to the selected report band. |
PivotGridAddColumnField | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridAddColumnField”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Column Area toolbar button that adds a new field to the column area. |
PivotGridAddDataField | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridAddDataField”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Data Area toolbar button that adds a new field to the data area. |
PivotGridAddField | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridAddField”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Add Field toolbar button that allows adding a field to a required area. |
PivotGridAddFilterField | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridAddFilterField”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Filter Area toolbar button that adds a new field to the filter area. |
PivotGridAddNewDataSource | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridAddNewDataSource”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Add Data Source toolbar button that invokes the Data Source Wizard. |
PivotGridAddRowField | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridAddRowField”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Row Area toolbar button that adds a new field to the row area. |
PivotGridColumnAreaOnEveryPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridColumnAreaOnEveryPage”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Column Area On Every Page toolbar button that specifies whether to pint column headers on every page. |
PivotGridDesignDataGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgPivotGridDesignData”. Corresponds to the Data toolbar group of the Pivot Grid Tools contextual tab. |
PivotGridDesignFieldsGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgPivotGridDesignFields”. Corresponds to the Fields toolbar group of the Pivot Grid Tools contextual tab. |
PivotGridDesignLayoutGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgPivotGridDesignLayout”. Corresponds to the Layout toolbar group of the Pivot Grid Tools contextual tab. |
PivotGridDesignPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpPivotGridDesign”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual tab’s Design page. |
PivotGridDesignPrintOptionsGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgPivotGridDesignPrintOptions”. Corresponds to the Print Options toolbar group of the Pivot Grid Tools contextual tab. |
PivotGridHorizontalLines | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridHorizontalLines”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Horizontal Lines toolbar button that specifies whether to print horizontal grid lines. |
PivotGridPageCategory | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpcPivotGrid”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual tab. |
PivotGridPrintColumnHeaders | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPrintColumnHeaders”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Column Headers toolbar button that specifies whether to print column field headers. |
PivotGridPrintDataHeaders | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPrintDataHeaders”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Data Headers toolbar button that specifies whether to print data field headers. |
PivotGridPrintRowHeaders | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPrintRowHeaders”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Row Headers toolbar button that specifies whether to print row field headers. |
PivotGridRemoveField | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridRemoveField”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Remove Field toolbar button that removes the selected field. |
PivotGridRowAreaOnEveryPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridRowAreaOnEveryPage”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Row Area On Every Page toolbar button that specifies whether to pint row headers on every page. |
PivotGridRunDesigner | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridRunDesigner”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Run Designer toolbar button that runs the Pivot Grid Designer that allows customizing fields, the control’s layout, appearance settings and printing options. |
PivotGridVerticalLines | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bPivotGridVerticalLines”. Corresponds to the Pivot Grid Tools contextual page’s Vertical Lines toolbar button that specifies whether to print vertical grid lines. |
PreviewPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpPreview”. Corresponds to the Preview ribbon page that is displayed in the report’s preview mode. |
Redo | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bRedo”. Corresponds to the Redo toolbar button that reverses the results of the last undo action. |
ReportGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgReport”. Correspond to the Home page’s Report toolbar group that contains buttons for saving and loading reports. |
ReportLanguages | |
Save | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSave”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Save toolbar button that saves the current report to the file. |
SaveAs | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSaveAs”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Save As toolbar button that invokes the Save dialog allowing you to select a file for saving the report. |
ScriptCopy | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bScriptCopy”. Corresponds to the Script Editor‘s Copy toolbar button that copies the selected text to the clipboard. |
ScriptCut | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bScriptCut”. Corresponds to the Script Editor‘s Copy toolbar button that cuts the selected text to the clipboard. |
ScriptDelete | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bScriptDelete”. |
ScriptEditGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgScriptEdit”. Corresponds to the Script Editor‘s Clibborad toolbar group. |
ScriptingComponents | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bScriptingComponents”. Corresponds to the Script Editor‘s toolbar item that allows selecting a report element for specifying an event. |
ScriptingEvents | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bScriptingEvents”. Corresponds to the Script Editor‘s toolbar item that allows selecting one of the available events. |
ScriptPaste | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bScriptPaste”. Corresponds to the Script Editor‘s Paste toolbar button that pastes the contents of the clipboard. |
ScriptRedo | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bScriptRedo”. |
ScriptUndo | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bScriptUndo”. |
ScriptUndoRedoGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgScriptUndoRedo”. |
SelectScriptsGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgSelectScriptsGroup”. Corresponds to the Script Editor‘s Scripts toolbar group. |
SendBackward | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSendBackward”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s toolbar item that moves the selected report elements one step toward the back. |
SendToBack | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSendToBack”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s toolbar item that sends the selected report elements to the back of a group of stacked elements. |
SendToBackSelector | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSendToBackSelector”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Send to Back toolbar button that sends the selected report elements toward the back. |
SetChartPalette | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSetChartPalette”. Corresponds to the Chart Tools contextual page’s Palette toolbar button that allows selecting a palette for painting a chart’s series. |
ShapeDesignPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpShapeDesign”. Corresponds to the Shape Tools contextual tab’s Design page. |
ShapeDesignViewGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpShapeDesignView”. Corresponds to the View toolbar group of the Shape Tools contextual tab. |
ShapeGallery | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bShapeGallery”. Corresponds to the Shape Tools contextual page’s gallery that allows choosing the shape type. |
ShapePageCategory | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpcShape”. Corresponds to the Shape Tools contextual tab. |
ShapeStretch | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bShapeStretch”. Corresponds to the Shape Tools contextual page’s Stretch toolbar button that stretches a shape to fill its entire area when it is rotated. |
ShowExportWarnings | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bShowExportWarnings”. Corresponds to the View page’s Export Warnings toolbar button that highlights intersecting report controls. |
ShowLocalizableProperties | |
ShowPrintingWarnings | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bShowPrintingWarnings”. Corresponds to the View page’s Printing Warnings toolbar button that highlights report controls that overrun the right page margin. |
SizeToControl | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSizeToControl”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Make Same Size toolbar button. |
SizeToControlHeight | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSizeToControlHeight”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Make Same Height toolbar button. |
SizeToControlWidth | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSizeToControlWidth”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Make Same Width toolbar button. |
SizeToGrid | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSizeToGrid”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Fit Bounds to Grid toolbar button. |
SnapLines | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSnapLines”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Snap Lines toolbar button that enables/disables snapping using snap lines. |
SnapToGrid | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSnapToGrid”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Snap to Grid toolbar button that enables/disables snapping to the snap grid. |
SparklineAddDataSource | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSparklineAddDataSource”. Corresponds to the Sparkline Tools contextual page’s Add Data Source toolbar button that invokes the Data Source Wizard. |
SparklineDesignDataGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgSparklineDesignData”. Corresponds to the Data toolbar group of the Sparkline Tools contextual tab. |
SparklineDesignPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpSparklineDesign”. Corresponds to the Sparkline Tools contextual tab’s Design page. |
SparklineDesignViewGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgSparklineDesignView”. Corresponds to the View toolbar group of the Sparkline Tools contextual tab. |
SparklinePageCategory | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpcSparkline”. Corresponds to the Sparkline Tools contextual tab. |
SparklineViewTypeGallery | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bSparklineViewTypeGallery”. Corresponds to the Sparkline Tools contextual page’s gallery that allows choosing the sparkline view. |
StyleGallery | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bStyleGallery”. Corresponds to the Home page’s gallery that contains available report styles and allows applying them to report elements. |
StylesGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgStyles”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Styles toolbar group. |
TableDeleteCell | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableDeleteCell”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Delete Cell toolbar button that deletes the current cell. |
TableDeleteColumn | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableDeleteColumn”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Delete Column toolbar button that deletes the current column. |
TableDeleteRow | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableDeleteRow”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Delete Row toolbar button that deletes the current row. |
TableDeleteTable | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableDeleteTable”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Delete Table toolbar button that deletes the entire table. |
TableDistributeColumnsEvenly | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableDistributeColumnsEvenly”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Distribute Columns toolbar button that distributes the width of the selected columns equally between them. |
TableDistributeRowsEvenly | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableDistributeRowsEvenly”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Distribute Rows toolbar button that distributes the height of the selected rows equally between them. |
TableInsertColumnToLeft | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableInsertColumnToLeft”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Insert Column to Left toolbar button that adds a new column directly to the left of the current column. |
TableInsertColumnToRight | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableInsertColumnToRight”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Insert Column to Right toolbar button that adds a new column directly to the right of the current column. |
TableInsertRowAbove | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableInsertRowAbove”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Insert Row Above toolbar button that adds a new row directly above the current row. |
TableInsertRowBelow | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableInsertRowBelow”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Insert Row Below toolbar button that adds a new row directly below the current row. |
TableLayoutCellSizeGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgTableLayoutCellSize”. Corresponds to the Cell Size toolbar group of the Table Tools contextual tab. |
TableLayoutDeleteGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgTableLayoutDelete”. Corresponds to the Delete toolbar group of the Table Tools contextual tab. |
TableLayoutInsertGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgTableLayoutInsert”. Corresponds to the Insert toolbar group of the Table Tools contextual tab. |
TableLayoutMergeGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgTableLayoutMerge”. Corresponds to the Merge toolbar group of the Table Tools contextual tab. |
TableLayoutPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpTableLayout”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual tab’s Layout page. |
TableLayoutSelectGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgTableLayoutSelect”. Corresponds to the Select toolbar group of the Table Tools contextual tab. |
TableMergeCells | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableMergeCells”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Merge Cells toolbar button that merges the selected cells into one cell. |
TablePageCategory | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpcTable”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual tab. |
TableSelectColumn | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableSelectColumn”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Select Column toolbar button that selects the current column. |
TableSelectRow | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableSelectRow”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Select Row toolbar button that selects the current row. |
TableSelectTable | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableSelectTable”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Select Table toolbar button that selects the entire table. |
TableSplitCells | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTableSplitCells”. Corresponds to the Table Tools contextual page’s Split Cells toolbar button that splits the selected cells into the specified number of rows or columns. |
TextAlignmentGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgTextAlignment”. Corresponds to the Home page’s Alignment toolbar group that contains buttons for text alignment. |
TextBehaviorGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgTextBehavior”. Corresponds to the Behavior toolbar group of the Text Tools contextual tab. |
TextDesignGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgTextDesign”. Corresponds to the Design toolbar group of the Text Tools contextual tab. |
TextHorAlignmentCenter | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTextAlignCenter”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that horizontally aligns the text of the selected report elements at the center. |
TextHorAlignmentJustify | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTextAlignJustify”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that horizontally justifies the text of the selected report elements. |
TextHorAlignmentLeft | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTextAlignLeft”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that horizontally aligns the text of the selected report elements on the left. |
TextHorAlignmentRight | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTextAlignRight”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that horizontally aligns the text of the selected report elements on the right. |
TextHorAlignmentSelector | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTextHorAlignSelector”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar items that specify the horizontal text alignment of the selected report elements. |
TextPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpText”. Corresponds to the Text Tools contextual tab’s Text page. |
TextPageCategory | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpcText”. Corresponds to the Text Tools contextual tab. |
TextVertAlignmentBottom | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTextAlignBottom”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that vertically aligns the text of the selected report elements at the bottom. |
TextVertAlignmentMiddle | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTextAlignMiddle”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that vertically aligns the text of the selected report elements in the middle. |
TextVertAlignmentSelector | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTextVertAlignSelector”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar items that specify the vertical text alignment of the selected report elements. |
TextVertAlignmentTop | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bTextAlignTop”. Corresponds to the Home page’s toolbar item that vertically aligns the text of the selected report elements at the top. |
Undo | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bUndo”. Corresponds to the Undo toolbar button that cancels the last change made to the report. |
ValidateGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgValidateGroup”. |
ValidateScript | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgScriptValidate”. Corresponds to the Script Editor‘s Validate toolbar button that checks whether report scripts contain errors. |
VerticalSpaceConcatenate | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bVerticalSpaceConcatenate”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Remove Vertical Spacing toolbar button. |
VerticalSpaceDecrease | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bVerticalSpaceDecrease”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Decrease Vertical Spacing toolbar button. |
VerticalSpaceIncrease | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bVerticalSpaceIncrease”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Increase Vertical Spacing toolbar button. |
VerticalSpaceMakeEqual | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bVerticalSpaceMakeEqual”. Corresponds to the Layout page’s Make Vertical Spacing Equal toolbar button. |
ViewBandsGroup | |
ViewLocalizationGroup | |
ViewPage | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rpView”. Corresponds to the View toolbar page. |
ViewShowGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgView”. Corresponds to the View page’s Show toolbar group. |
ViewViewGroup | |
ViewZoomGroup | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_rgViewZoom”. Corresponds to the View page’s Zoom toolbar group. |
Watermark | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bWatermark”. Corresponds to the Page page’s Watermark toolbar button that invokes the Watermark dialog. |
Windows | |
Zoom | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bZoom”. Corresponds to the View page’s Zoom toolbar button that allows choosing the zoom factor. |
ZoomIn | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bZoomIn”. Corresponds to the View page’s Zoom In toolbar button that zooms in the report. |
ZoomOut | Returns “DevExpress_Xpf_Reports_Ribbon_bZoomOut”. Corresponds to the View page’s Zoom Out toolbar button that zooms out the report. |
See Also