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TextExportSettings Members

The provider of attached properties, which define how to export the text value of a particular dependency object.


Name Description
FontFamilyProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.FontFamily attached property.
FontSizeProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.FontSize attached property.
FontStyleProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.FontStyle attached property.
FontWeightProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.FontWeight attached property.
HorizontalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.HorizontalAlignment attached property.
NoTextExportProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.NoTextExport attached property.
PaddingProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.Padding attached property.
TextDecorationsProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.TextDecorations dependency property.
TextProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.Text attached property.
TextTrimmingProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.TextTrimming attached property.
TextValueFormatStringProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.TextValueFormatString attached property.
TextValueProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.TextValue attached property.
TextWrappingProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.TextWrapping attached property.
VerticalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.VerticalAlignment attached property.
XlsExportNativeFormatProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.XlsExportNativeFormat dependency property.
XlsxFormatStringProperty static Identifies the TextExportSettings.XlsxFormatString dependency property.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetFontFamily(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.FontFamily attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetFontSize(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.FontSize attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetFontStyle(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.FontStyle attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetFontWeight(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.FontWeight attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetHorizontalAlignment(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.HorizontalAlignment attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetNoTextExport(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.NoTextExport attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetPadding(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.Padding attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetText(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.Text attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetTextDecorations(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.TextDecorations attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetTextTrimming(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.TextTrimming attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetTextValue(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.TextValue attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetTextValueFormatString(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.TextValueFormatString attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetTextWrapping(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.TextWrapping attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetVerticalAlignment(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.VerticalAlignment attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetXlsExportNativeFormat(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the TextExportSettings.XlsExportNativeFormat attached property for a specified DependencyObject.
GetXlsxFormatString(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ExportSettingDefaultValue.TextValueFormatString attached property from a given object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
SetFontFamily(DependencyObject, FontFamily) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.FontFamily attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetFontSize(DependencyObject, Double) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.FontSize attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetFontStyle(DependencyObject, FontStyle) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.FontStyle attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetFontWeight(DependencyObject, FontWeight) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.FontWeight attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetHorizontalAlignment(DependencyObject, HorizontalAlignment) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.HorizontalAlignment attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetNoTextExport(DependencyObject, Boolean) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.NoTextExport attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetPadding(DependencyObject, Thickness) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.Padding attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetText(DependencyObject, String) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.Text attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetTextDecorations(DependencyObject, TextDecorationCollection) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.TextDecorations attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetTextTrimming(DependencyObject, TextTrimming) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.TextTrimming attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetTextValue(DependencyObject, Object) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.TextValue attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetTextValueFormatString(DependencyObject, String) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.TextValueFormatString attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetTextWrapping(DependencyObject, TextWrapping) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.TextWrapping attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetVerticalAlignment(DependencyObject, VerticalAlignment) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.VerticalAlignment attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetXlsExportNativeFormat(DependencyObject, Nullable<Boolean>) static Sets the value of the TextExportSettings.XlsExportNativeFormat attached property to a specified DependencyObject.
SetXlsxFormatString(DependencyObject, String) static Sets the value of the ExportSettingDefaultValue.TextValueFormatString attached property for a given object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.

Attached Properties

Name Description
FontFamily static Gets or sets the font family name of the text.
FontSize static Gets or sets the size of the text font.
FontStyle static Gets or sets the style of the text font.
FontWeight static Gets or sets the weight of the text font.
HorizontalAlignment static Gets or sets the horizontal text alignment.
NoTextExport static Gets or sets the value indicating whether it is necessary to export the current object if it doesn’t contain any text.
Padding static Gets or sets text paddings.
Text static Gets or sets the custom text to be displayed within an object.
TextDecorations static Specifies the text decorations (such as underline or strikeout) available in the exported document. This is a dependency property. This is an attached property.
TextTrimming static Specifies the text trimming mode. This is an attached property.
TextValue static Gets or sets the text value to be converted to TextExportSettings.Text.
TextValueFormatString static Gets or sets the format string to be applied to a TextExportSettings.TextValue.
TextWrapping static Gets or sets a value specifying how the text should be wrapped.
VerticalAlignment static Gets or sets the vertical text alignment.
XlsExportNativeFormat static Specifies whether a brick’s content is exported to XLS (or XLSX) as text, or as a value. This is a dependency property. This is an attached property.
XlsxFormatString static Specifies the format string applied when exporting to an Excel file (XLS or XLSX). This is a dependency property. This is an attached property.
See Also