PopupColorEditSettings.DisplayMode Property
Gets or sets the display mode of the current in-place PopupColorEdit edit box. This is a dependency property.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Editors.Settings
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Core
Property Value
Type | Description |
PopupColorEditDisplayMode | A PopupColorEditDisplayMode enumerator value that specifies the display mode of the current in-place PopupColorEdit edit box. |
Available values:
Name | Description |
Default | Displays a color name, Hex or ARGB value next to a colored rectangle. |
Color | Displays a colored rectangle. |
Text | Displays a color name, Hex or ARGB value. |
The following display modes are available for an in-place PopupColorEdit edit box.
the PopupColorEditDisplayMode.Text display mode specifies that the in-place PopupColorEdit should display the currently selected color using that color’s name, Hex or ARGB value.
the PopupColorEditDisplayMode.Color display mode specifies that the in-place PopupColorEdit should display the currently selected color using a colored rectangle nested in the edit box.
- the PopupColorEditDisplayMode.Default display mode is identical to PopupColorEditDisplayMode.Text