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ExcelSourceOptionsViewModel Properties

A ViewModel that defines the settings of an Excel Data Source.
Name Description
Culture Specifies the culture information used to parse the data being imported from a CSV file.
DetectEncoding Specifies whether the character encoding is automatically determined for an imported CSV file.
DetectNewlineType Specifies whether a character type used to identify a new line in a CSV document is determined automatically.
DetectValueSeparator Specifies whether a character used to separate values in a CSV document is determined automatically.
Encoding Specifies the character encoding of a CSV document.
NewlineType Specifies the character used to identify a new line in a CSV document.
SkipEmptyRows Specifies whether to include empty rows into the resulting Excel data source. Inherited from ExcelSourceOptionsBaseViewModel.
SkipHiddenColumns Specifies whether to ignore hidden columns when importing data to an Excel data source.
SkipHiddenRows Specifies whether to ignore hidden rows when importing data to an Excel data source.
TextQualifier Specifies the character that encloses values in a CSV document.
TrimBlanks Specifies whether to remove all leading and trailing white-space characters from each value in a CSV document.
UseFirstRowAsHeader Specifies whether to process the values of the first row as headers. Inherited from ExcelSourceOptionsBaseViewModel.
ValueSeparator Specifies a character used to separate values in a CSV document.
See Also