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ConnectionPropertiesPage Properties

Provides a view for the Specify a Connection String page of the Data Source Wizard in WPF applications.
Name Description
AuthTypeBigQuery Specifies the authorization type when connecting to a BigQuery data source.
AuthTypeMsSql Specifies the authorization type when connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server data source.
AvailableServers Provides access to the list of available Microsoft SQL Server instances.
CanSelectDatabase Specifies whether the GUI is blocked, indicating that the database list is being loaded.
CanSelectServer Specifies whether the GUI is blocked, indicating that the list of Microsoft SQL Server instances is being loaded.
ConnectionEdits Indicates which of the connection parameters can be edited on the Specify a Connection String wizard page.
CustomString Specifies a custom connection string.
Database Specifies the name of a database that contains the required data.
Databases Provides access to the list of available databases.
DataSetID Specifies the ID of a dataset that contains required tables. This property is in effect for Google BigQuery databases.
Description Specifies the description of the current wizard page.
DisabledConnectionEdits Indicates which of the connection parameters cannot be edited on the Specify a Connection String wizard page.
Encrypt Specifies whether all communication between the server and the client is encrypted.
FileName Specifies the path to a database file.
Hostname Specifies the host name of the SAP SQL Anywhere server to which the connection should be established.
IsInDesignMode static Gets whether design-time mode is active. Inherited from ViewModelBase.
KeyFileName Specifies the path to the P12 private key file. This property is in effect for Google BigQuery databases.
OAuthClientID Specifies the client identifier. This property is in effect for Google BigQuery databases.
OAuthClientSecret Specifies the client secret. This property is in effect for Google BigQuery databases.
OAuthRefreshToken Specifies a refresh token. This property is in effect for Google BigQuery databases.
Password Specifies the password to access to a database.
Port Specifies the port number to connect to a database.
ProjectID Specifies the ID of a project that contains the required data. This property is in effect for Google BigQuery databases.
Providers Provides access to the list of available data providers.
SelectedProvider Specifies the selected data provider.
ServerBased For internal use.
ServerName Specifies the name of a server to which the connection should be established.
ServerNameLookup Specifies the name of the Microsoft SQL Server to which the connection should be established.
ServerTypeAdvantage Specifies the type of the Advantage server.
ServiceEmail Specifies the email address of a service account. This property is in effect for Google BigQuery databases.
TrustServerCertificate Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the channel will be encrypted when certificate chain bypass is performed to validate trust.
UseCustomFooter Inherited from WizardPageBase.
UserName Specifies the user name that is used to access a database.
See Also