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TdxSpreadSheetFunctionInfo.UpdateInfo(TdxSpreadSheetFormatSettings) Method

Initializes the Name field to the uppercased public name of the function signature.


procedure UpdateInfo(AFormatSettings: TdxSpreadSheetFormatSettings);


Name Type
AFormatSettings TdxSpreadSheetFormatSettings


This procedure converts a resource string accessible via the NamePtr field, to uppercase and assigns the result to the Name field. The UpdateInfo procedure calls the dxSpreadSheetUpperCase function to convert the resource string if nil is passed as the AFormatSettings parameter; otherwise – UpdateInfo relies on functionality of the accepted format settings.


The TdxSpreadSheetFunctionsRepository.Add procedure calls the UpdateInfo procedure internally for a newly created function signature. The TdxSpreadSheetFunctionsRepository.TranslationChanged procedure calls UpdateInfo for all stored function signatures to reflect any changes made to resource strings. An UpdateInfo procedure call has no effect if the NamePtr field value is nil.

See Also