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TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormattingRule.StopIfTrue Property

Specifies if the conditional formatting controller evaluates rules with lower priorities if applied to the same cell range(s)..


property StopIfTrue: Boolean read; write;

Property Value



The conditional formatting controller evaluates rule precedences only if at least two cell ranges, to which different rules are applied, intersect. By default, the controller allows you to combine various cell formatting styles (such as the font color, cell borderline style, and cell background fill settings) determined by different rules when multiple corresponding conditions are met. You can set the StopIfTrue property to True to prevent all rules with lower priority compared to the current rule from affecting the same area(s) when the rule’s condition is met. This property corresponds to the conditional formatting rule’s checkbox displayed in the “Stop If True” column displayed by the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog:


Only cell style-based conditional formatting rules use the StopIfTrue property value.

The default StopIfTrue property value is False.

See Also