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TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormattingRule.Clone(TdxSpreadSheetAreaList) Method

Creates a copy of the conditional formatting rule.


function Clone(const AAreas: TdxSpreadSheetAreaList): TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormattingRule; overload;


Name Type
AAreas TdxSpreadSheetAreaList




The first overloaded Clone function variant creates a new TdxSpreadSheetCustomConditionalFormattingRule class descendant instance and initializes it using the settings copied from the current conditional formatting rule.

The second and third overloaded variants allow you to copy the rule and apply it to a different cell or cell range:

  • The second variant applies the copied rule to a single cell or cell range passed as the AArea parameter;

  • The third variant is designed to apply the copied rule to a list of cells or cell ranges passed as the AAreas parameter. The passed cell range list can contain one or more individual cells or cell ranges.

See Also