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TdxRibbonSkinSelectorCustomInMenuSkinOptions Properties

The base class for all settings of the skin chooser gallery displayed in a drop-down menu.
Name Description
CanCollapse protected Specifies if a Ribbon UI can collapse a skin or palette chooser gallery when the window width is not enough to display all toolbar items in full. Inherited from TdxRibbonSkinSelectorCustomPlaceOptions.
Collapsed protected Specifies if a skin or palette chooser gallery is collapsed in a Ribbon UI. Inherited from TdxRibbonSkinSelectorCustomPlaceOptions.
ColumnCount protected Specifies the number of item columns in a skin or palette chooser gallery. Inherited from TdxRibbonSkinSelectorCustomPlaceOptions.
ItemIconSize protected Specifies the base dimensions (in pixels) of skin gallery items. Inherited from TdxRibbonSkinSelectorCustomPlaceSkinOptions.
ItemSize protected Specifies skin or palette gallery item dimensions, in pixels. Inherited from TdxRibbonSkinSelectorCustomPlaceOptions.
MinColumnCount protected Specifies the minimum number of columns in a skin or palette chooser gallery when it is expanded. Inherited from TdxRibbonSkinSelectorCustomPlaceOptions.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
SearchBoxVisible protected Specifies if the skin chooser gallery displays a search box in a drop-down menu.
ShowItemCaption protected Specifies if skin or palette chooser gallery item captions are visible. Inherited from TdxRibbonSkinSelectorCustomPlaceOptions.
See Also