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TdxSkinChooserGallerySkinChangedEvent Type

The procedural type for skin change events in a Skin Chooser component.


TdxSkinChooserGallerySkinChangedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const ASkinName: string) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TObject

The Skin Chooser component that raised the skin change event.

To access all public API members of the Skin Chooser component, cast the Sender parameter value to one of the following classes depending on the actual component type:

A skin chooser gallery.
A Ribbon Skin Selector component.


To identify the actual Skin Chooser component type, you can call the Sender.ClassType function.

ASkinName string

The name of the new active skin.


A skin change event occurs every time a user switches between skins in a Skin Chooser component. You can use the ASkinName parameter to identify the new active skin within a TdxSkinChooserGallerySkinChangedEvent handler.

Direct TdxRibbonChooserGallerySkinChangedEvent Type References

A TdxSkinChooserGalleryItem component’s OnSkinChanged event references the TdxSkinChooserGallerySkinChangedEvent procedural type.

See Also