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TdxRibbonSkinSelectorAddPaletteEvent Type

The procedural type for skin palette list population events in a Ribbon Skin Selector component.


TdxRibbonSkinSelectorAddPaletteEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const ASkinName: string; const APaletteName: string; var AAccepted: Boolean) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TObject

The Ribbon Skin Selector component that raised the skin palette population event.

You need to cast the Sender parameter value to the TdxRibbonSkinSelector class to access all public API members of the Ribbon Skin Selector component.

ASkinName string

The name of the current skin whose palette list is being populated.


Only vector skins can switch between palettes.

APaletteName string

The name of the new palette that the Ribbon Skin Selector is about to add to the list of palettes available for the current skin (ASkinName).

AAccepted Boolean
  • If True, the Ribbon Skin Selector adds the current skin palette (APaletteName) to the list of palettes available for the current skin (ASkinName).
  • If False, the Ribbon Skin Selector omits the current skin palette (APaletteName).


A palette list population event occurs every time a Ribbon Skin Selector is about to add a palette to the list of palettes available for selection. You can assign False to the AAccepted parameter within a TdxRibbonSkinSelectorAddPaletteEvent handler to exclude certain palettes for a skin based on custom conditions.

Direct TdxRibbonSkinSelectorAddPaletteEvent Type References

The TdxRibbonSkinSelector component’s OnAddPalette event references the TdxRibbonSkinSelectorAddPaletteEvent procedural type.

See Also