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TdxOfficeImage.GetExtension(TdxOfficeImageFormat) Method

Returns the file name extension corresponding to the specified Office image format.


class function GetExtension(AImageFormat: TdxOfficeImageFormat): string; static;


Name Type
AImageFormat TdxOfficeImageFormat




The Rich Edit control’s OpenXML document export routines automatically call the GetExtension and GetContentType functions to save images into a DOCX/DOTX file.

You can call this class function to obtain the file name extension identifying the image file format corresponding to the Office image format passed as the AImageFormat parameter. The GetExtension function can return an empty string for certain formats, since not all of them have the corresponding file formats. Refer to the TdxOfficeImageFormat type description for detailed information on the function results corresponding to all possible AImageFormat parameter values.

See Also