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TdxRichEditHyperlinkClickEvent Type

The procedural type for hyperlink click events in the Rich Edit control.


TdxRichEditHyperlinkClickEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Args: TdxRichEditHyperlinkClickEventArgs) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TObject

Provides access to the Rich Edit control that raised the hyperlink click event.

Cast this parameter value to the TdxRichEditControl class to access all public API members.

Args TdxRichEditHyperlinkClickEventArgs

Provides access to information on the hyperlink click event that occurred in the Rich Edit control accessible through the Sender parameter.

For example, you can set the AArgs.Handled property to True to prevent hyperlink activation.


You can handle this event to implement a custom response to a click on a hyperlink defined in a document. For example, you can prevent users from activating certain hyperlinks or execute custom code in response to a click on a hyperlink.

Event Occurrence

This event occurs every time a user clicks a hyperlink in a rich text document.

Direct TdxRichEditHyperlinkClickEvent Type Reference

The TdxRichEditControlBase.OnHyperlinkClick event references the TdxRichEditHyperlinkClickEvent procedural type.

See Also