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TdxTableOptions.GridLines Property

Specifies the visibility of non-printable table borders in a document.


property GridLines: TdxRichEditTableGridLinesVisibility read; write; default TdxRichEditTableGridLinesVisibility.Auto;

Property Value

Type Default
TdxRichEditTableGridLinesVisibility Auto


Normally, the non-printable table borders are hidden. To display them as blue dashed grid lines, you can set this property to TdxRichEditTableGridLinesVisibility.Visible.

For the full list of available GridLines property values, refer to the TdxRichEditTableGridLinesVisibility type description.

Alternatively, you can use the ToggleShowTableGridLines command to switch the visibility of non-printable table borders.

The default value of the GridLines property is TdxRichEditTableGridLinesVisibility.Auto.

See Also