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TcxCustomVerticalGridReportLink Events

Represents the base class for the vertical grid control report links.
Name Description
OnChangeComponent Occurs when the Component property changes. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnCustomDrawPageFooter Enables you to custom paint page footers for the report link. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnCustomDrawPageHeader Enables you to custom paint page headers for the report link. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnCustomDrawReportLinkFootnotes Enables you to custom paint footnotes. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnCustomDrawReportLinkTitle Occurs when drawing the report title. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnCustomDrawRowHeaderCell Occurs before the vertical grid row headers are painted.
OnCustomDrawRowHeaderSeparatorCell Occurs before the multi editor row separator is painted.
OnCustomDrawRowIndentCell Occurs before the row indents are painted.
OnCustomDrawRowValueCell Occurs before painting cells of row values.
OnCustomDrawRowValueSeparatorCell Occurs before the painting of row value separators.
OnDataSourceChanged Enables you to respond to an impending change in the report link’s report source. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnDestroy Occurs when a report link is being destroyed. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnFilterStyle Occurs when retrieving the list of available print styles. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnGetNewReportStorageName Enables you to customize the report storage’s default name. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnInitializeRowHeaderCell Occurs before row headers are rendered.
OnInitializeRowHeaderSeparatorCell Occurs before the row header’s separator cells are rendered.
OnInitializeRowIndentCell Occurs before rendering the row indents.
OnInitializeRowValueCell Occurs before row values are rendered.
OnInitializeRowValueSeparatorCell Occurs before the rendering of row value separators.
OnMeasureReportLinkFootnotes Enables you to customize a footnote’s height. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnMeasureReportLinkTitle Occurs when drawing the report title before the OnCustomDrawReportLinkTitle event. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
See Also