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TcxCustomVerticalGridReportLink.OnCustomDrawRowValueSeparatorCell Event

Occurs before the painting of row value separators.


property OnCustomDrawRowValueSeparatorCell: TcxVerticalGridReportLinkCustomDrawRowValueSeparatorCellEvent read; write;


The OnCustomDrawRowValueSeparatorCell event occurs before painting row value separators.

Parameter Description
ACanvas Specifies a TCanvas instance for painting row value separators.
ARow Specifies the row being painted.
ACellIndex Specifies the processed row separator cell’s index (for multi editor rows).
ARecordIndex Specifies the record index which identifies the row value cell being painted.
AnItem Provides painting information.
ADone If True, default drawing routines are not required, otherwise default painting is performed.

Note, that custom painting is extremely resource intensive. In order to customize the report’s appearance use the OnInitialize… event, which occurs prior to the report being rendered, thus improving performance.

See Also