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TcxTreeListReportLinkStyles Properties

Represents the set of styles for the TreeList control’s elements within the report.
Name Description
BandHeader Specifies the style to be used for band headers.
Content Specifies the style to be used for data cells.
ContentEven Specifies the style to be used for data cells within even nodes.
ContentOdd Specifies the style to be used for data cells within odd nodes.
Count Inherited from TcxCustomStyles.
Footer Specifies the style to be used for the footer cell.
FooterRow Specifies the style to be used for the footer.
Header Specifies the style to be used for column headers.
Owner Provides access to the control or its object to which the persisted settings belong. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent.
Preview Specifies the style to be used for the node preview section.
Selection Specifies the style to be used for the selection.
StylesByCaption Provides access to a specific painting style by its caption within the set of styles. Inherited from TdxCustomReportLinkStyles.
StyleSheet Specifies the style sheet for the current style collection. Inherited from TcxCustomStyles.
Values Inherited from TcxStyles.
See Also