TcxTreeListReportLinkOptionsView Class
Options determining which TreeList control’s elements should be displayed within a report.
TcxTreeListReportLinkOptionsView = class(
The TcxTreeListReportLinkOptionsView class contains options that specify which elements of the TreeList control should be displayed within the report.
The BandHeaders property determines whether the band headers of the TreeList control are displayed within the report. Note that the TcxTreeListReportLinkOptionsOnEveryPage.BandHeaders property has no effect when the BandHeaders property is set to False.
The Borders property specifies whether the border of the TreeList control is displayed within the report.
The ExpandButtons property determines whether the expand buttons of the TreeList control are displayed within the report.
The Footers property indicates whether the footer of the TreeList control is displayed within the report. Note that the TcxTreeListReportLinkOptionsOnEveryPage.Footers property has no effect when the Footers property is set to False.
The Headers property specifies whether the column headers of the TreeList control are displayed within the report. Note that the TcxTreeListReportLinkOptionsOnEveryPage.Headers property has no effect when the Headers property is set to False.
The TreeLines property determines whether the tree lines of the TreeList control are displayed within the report.
Note that it is impossible to enable TreeList column headers on every page (the TcxTreeListReportLinkOptionsOnEveryPage.Headers property) while band headers on every page are disabled (the TcxTreeListReportLinkOptionsOnEveryPage.BandHeaders property) and the band headers are enabled (the BandHeaders property).
After changing options you can always restore their default values using the RestoreDefaults method.