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TdxPSDBBasedExplorer.FoldersFieldNamesMap Property

Specifies the data fields providing data about the folders structure.


property FoldersFieldNamesMap: TdxPSDBBasedExplorerFoldersFieldNamesMap read; write;

Property Value



The FoldersFieldNamesMap property provides access to the object that exposes the following properties:

Property Description
ID Specifies the name of the field containing folder’s unique IDs.
Name Specifies the name of the field containing folder names.
ParentID Specifies the name of the field specifying parent folder IDs. Note that the root folder’s ID is considered to be 0. Thus, all folders whose ParentID field value is 0 are the root folder’s immediate children. Note also, that if the ParentID field value doesn’t match any of the ID field values or 0, the corresponding folder is not displayed.

Note that all the properties refer to fields from the dataset specified by the Folders property.

See Also