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TdxLayoutSplitterItemMovedEventArgs Members

Stores information related to layout splitter movement event occurrences.


Name Description
FarItem Provides access to the adjacent far layout item.
NearItem Provides access to the adjacent near layout item.
NewFarItemBounds Returns far item boundaries (in pixels) after the current splitter expand, collapse, or move operation.
NewNearItemBounds Returns near item boundaries (in pixels) after the current splitter expand, collapse, or move operation.
OldFarItemBounds Returns far item boundaries (in pixels) before the current splitter expand, collapse, or move operation.
OldNearItemBounds Returns near item boundaries (in pixels) before the current splitter expand, collapse, or move operation.


Name Description
Empty Inherited from TdxEventArgs.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also